Kendalwood Montessori & Elementary School Montessori Method Programs
Infant Program (9–18 Months)
The Infant Program is our youngest community at Kendalwood and provides our youngest students with a warm, nurturing and welcoming environment to help to bridge the transition from home to a school setting.
Infant teachers, who hold an ECE diploma, Montessori diploma, and/or extensive early childhood experience, help provide students with an introduction into a school setting, while helping them to reach the first of many developmental milestones including but not limited to: walking, independent feeding, interactive play and more.
The classroom environment is built in accordance with Ministry of Education standards, as well as our own Montessori ideals, to ensure students’ social, emotional, and developmental needs are being met. Our small class size, 1:3 ratio and exceptional teachers, all help to ensure your child receives quality care, as well as an introduction to Montessori education!
Toddler Program (18 months–2.5 years)
The Toddler Program at Kendalwood offers children a collaborative introduction to the Montessori method. Our exceptional staff and small class sizes help aid Toddler students’ developing curiosity, self-awareness and independence.
Toddler teachers, who all hold ECE and/or Montessori diplomas, help guide students’ self-discovery during this wondrous yet sensitive stage of development, and we maintain a 1:5 teacher to student ratio. The Toddler classroom has been carefully designed and equipped with well-placed, size-appropriate furnishings, to create an unhurried environment where your child will look forward to spending his/her day.
Activities in this classroom are designed to develop independence, coordination and assurance, guiding each student to build positive social/emotional experiences, inner security and concentration. Language skills as well as gross motor and fine motor development abilities are taught, along with yoga, dramatic play, art, Music and French. Toilet learning is also a key focus for this classroom, allowing students to refine and conquer this important developmental milestone.
PreCasa Program (2.5–3.8 years)
The PreCasa Program at Kendalwood is the oldest of our licensed programs. Following the requirements of the Ministry of Education for the preschool age, while staying true to our Montessori ideals, this transitional classroom welcomes toddler graduates to further build on their developing independence in preparation for their transition into the Casa Program.
Established and operating as a first-year Casa, this classroom provides students with a lower staff to student ratio (1:8), a shorter morning work cycle, as well as an afternoon rest period.
Our staffing for the PreCasa Program provides a mixture of Casa and Toddler, with each classroom having a Casa Montessori Teacher joined by an Early Childhood Education assistant. This dynamic teaching team ensures that all students developmental, social and emotional needs are being met, while ensuring their academic curiosity has the opportunity to flourish!
Casa Program (3.8–6 years)
The Casa Program at Kendalwood focuses on helping students discover who they are, while teaching them how to live within a community. Children are encouraged to explore the classroom freely, both individually and as part of a group. The Casa curriculum leverages a wide variety of learning materials and a great deal of movement, as well as active cooperation and communal learning techniques.
In this three-year classroom, constant interaction teaches students how to get along with children of different ages and abilities. They are also taught to respect each other’s work and workplace, and to treat each other with courtesy, respect and consideration. This meticulously prepared environment provides an ideal space for Casa students to open themselves up to dynamic learning and to becoming an active participant in their lessons.
Elementary Program
Our Elementary teachers in both classrooms are extensively trained to develop an individual learning program for each student, which often goes well beyond the provincial curriculum standards. Although the children work alone and in groups, lessons are mainly presented on an individual basis to match the student’s own pace, and progress is tracked daily. This individual attention to the development of the whole child also allows each student to achieve his or her full potential without pressure or a breakdown of self-esteem. Students become increasingly responsible for their own education, learning at an accelerated rate and developing a keen sense of self, community and the world.
Building upon the activities presented at the Casa level, children in our Elementary Program move through the following classrooms:
Lower Elementary (6–9 Years)
The Lower Elementary Program combines children of multiple ages in each classroom. Educating children of different ages together provides a unique environment for character development, as older children experience leadership opportunities, and younger students learn by observation and imitation. Instead of separating learning into specific subjects, students and teachers work together in an organic and exciting developmental process that encompasses all subjects: language, mathematics, history, science, geography, music, drama, art, creative movement and physical education. Continued joy in learning, self-discipline and respect are emphasized, along with volunteerism.
Upper Elementary (9–12 Years)
The Upper Elementary Program builds upon the foundations laid in the Lower Elementary Program, focusing on a multi-age classroom environment. Students reaching this important stage in personal development need a supportive community where they can learn about the world they are becoming part of. The Kendalwood environment encourages students to act as leaders, become good stewards of their community and to be responsible for their own education. We also encourage critical thinking, questions and discussions that help students make sense of their world.
French Language Program
French lessons (ranging from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on age) are integrated into the daily routine of each classroom at Kendalwood, starting in the Infant Program. Because children have an innate ability to acquire multiple languages, it is the perfect time to introduce French. Their natural curiosity and ability to imitate sounds allows them to develop a basic, usable command of the French language. In addition, studying another language enables greater intellectual flexibility, enhances problem-solving skills, heightens creativity, and leads to higher performance in other academic areas.
Our French program is based on the combination of the Accelerated Integrated Methodology (AIM) and the Core French Program, which enables students to successfully and rapidly build proficiency in a second language. AIM utilizes key strategies such as gestures, useful key words and content-based instruction in a highly participatory and active learning environment that uses storytelling and music. Core French focuses on conversations and oral skills to build confidence in a Francophone environment.
Children love how the French program makes learning fun, while staff and parents love the great results.

Summer Program
Each year, Kendalwood offers an 8-week Summer Program full of creative and engaging activities for our students which focus on sports, arts & crafts, songs, nature and science. When the weather is nice, we take advantage of our beautiful surroundings and large play areas by offering activities outside, while we move indoors on days when the weather is too extreme to enjoy. This program is run by energetic and dedicated, trained teachers and qualified counselors, and is designed for children between 18 months and 12 years old.
Kendalwood After School Enrichment and Extended Care
The Kendalwood extracurricular and enrichment programs present a wonderful opportunity for students to explore a variety of new clubs and discover their own interests. Each program fosters cooperation, camaraderie, team spirit, growth and discovery.
Learn more about Kendalwood’s After School Enrichment and Extended Care